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Strong Gravity Beyond Workshop 2021

June 24-26, 2020; Sardinia (Italy)

[This workshop has been postponed to June 2021 due to the COVID-19 global epidemic]

Risultati immagini per Spiaggia di Chia Sa Colonia


The strong-gravity community is living a new Golden Age. In these exciting times, current and future observations will push the boundaries of our knowledge and will challenge current paradigms. To discuss new and urgent challenges, we are organizing the “Strong Gravity Beyond” workshop in the island of Sardinia (Italy) in June 2021.

This will be a cozy event in a beach resort in the area around Cagliari, the main city of the island, with a selected number of speakers. The workshop will be organized around 3 thematic days:

* Beyond General Relativity: modified theories of gravity, tests of GR, waveform modelling
* Beyond Standard Model: compact objects as particle detectors, ultralight fields, superradiance
* Beyond Black Holes: exotic compact objects, tests of horizons, modelling

On each day there will be 3 talks and a round table, leaving plenty of time for informal discussion and work surrounded by the stunning Sardinian beaches and wildlife. 


List of invited speakers:

Asimina Arvanitaki (Perimeter Institute)

Iosif Bena (IPhT, France)

Emauele Berti (JHU, USA)

Gianfranco Bertone* (Amsterdam U., Netherlands)

Alessandra Buonanno* (AEI-Potsdam, Germany)

Vitor Cardoso (IST, Lisbon)

Katerina Chatziioannou (Flatiron Institute, USA)

Maria Okounkova (Flatiron Institute, USA)

Carlos Palenzuela (U. of Baleares Islands, Spain)

Thomas Sotiriou (Nottigham U., UK)

Takahiro Tanaka (Kyoto U., Japan)

Nicolas Yunes (U. of Illinois Urbana-Champagne, USA)


* To be confirmed

Scientific Secretariat:Alessandra Curto
Organizing Committee: Swetha Bhagwat, Richard Brito, Mariano Cadoni, Leonardo Gualtieri, Andrea Maselli, Paolo Pani

Support: This event is supported by the ERC project DarkGRA “​Unveiling the dark universe with gravitational waves” (ERC-2017-StG 757480) and by the  Marie-Curie-Skłodowska project FunGraW "Fundamental physics in the era of gravitational-wave astronomy" [H2020-MSCA-IF-2017-792862].

European Research Council             Marie Curie Actions

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