Top-level heading


For any administrative and practical inquire please contact the Project Manager, Dr. Alessandra Curto.


Where we are

Physics Department (CU013 in the map of the campus)
Edificio Marconi
Sapienza University of Rome
Piazzale Aldo Moro 5
00185 Rome (Italy)

How to reach us

The map of Sapienza main campus and virtual tour of the campus are available here.

For Visitors

  • Internet connection: Eduroam is active at the Physics Department. If you don't have an eduroam account
    thorugh your institution, please contact us some weeks before your visits.
  • Reimbursement: To allow for a smooth reimbursement process, we kindly ask you to provide the following
    • PDF of your flight/train ticket receipts
    • PDF of your e-boarding pass (mobile screenshots are allowed in pdf format). If you don't have an
      electronic boarding pass, you will have to send the original boarding pass by regular mail after
      your trip (photocopies not allowed)
    • A copy of your ID
    • This form, filled with claims and signed
    • Original receipts (no photocopies allowed) of all claims (including hotel, meals, buses and trains)

Food options:

There are countless options for lunch and dinner within walking distance from the venue. We can suggest:

  • Osteria Rouge (good also for dinner)
  • Ciacco
  • Li Scalini (slices of pizza)
  • Poke' San Lorenzo
  • The Apartment
  • I Porchettari
  • La Casetta
  • Bar Leonardo (for a quick lunch and sandwiches)


Accommodation options:

There are plenty of options around the campus.

We suggest a few hotels close by Rome Termini Station and Sapienza University (Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 RM):

B&B options are:


For Master Thesis Students

  • New students must register following these instructions
    • Fill this document (see this example) and this form, sign them and send them to Prof. Paolo Pani (cc Alessandra Curto)
    • After the registration to the Department database is completed, you can register to
      the INFN database for INFN credentials (see the instructions below: INFN Association)
  • After your account has been registered, you will have access to a set of services


For PhD Students and Postdocs

  • New students must register following these instructions
    • Fill this form to have the Uniroma1 email
    • Fill this document (see this example) and this form, sign them and send them to Prof. Paolo Pani (cc Alessandra Curto)
    • After the registration to the Department database is completed, you can register to the INFN database for INFN credentials
  • After your account has been registered, you will have access to a set of services, including printing, VPN, ssh, svn, software licences, etc


INFN Association


For group members

You can access restricted information and tutorials here.