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  1. Observation of Gravitational Waves from the Coalescence of a $2.5-4.5~M_\odot$ Compact Object and a Neutron Star
    Abac, A. G. and others
    arXiv: 2404.04248
  2. Ultralight vector dark matter search using data from the KAGRA O3GK run
    Abac, A. G. and others
    arXiv: 2403.03004
  3. Search for Gravitational-wave Transients Associated with Magnetar Bursts in Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo Data from the Third Observing Run
    Abbott, R. and others
    arXiv: 2210.10931
    Journal: Astrophys. J., 966, 1, 137
  4. The Lunar Gravitational-wave Antenna: Mission Studies and Science Case
    Ajith, Parameswaran and others
    arXiv: 2404.09181
  5. Quasinormal modes of hairy black holes in shift-symmetric theories
    Antoniou, Georgios
    arXiv: 2406.01508
  6. Axial perturbations of hairy black holes in generalised scalar-tensor theories
    Antoniou, Georgios and Macedo, Caio F. B. and Maselli, Andrea and Sotiriou, Thomas P.
    arXiv: 2404.02479
  7. Tidal Love numbers and approximate universal relations for fermion soliton stars
    Berti, Emanuele and De Luca, Valerio and Del Grosso, Loris and Pani, Paolo
    arXiv: 2404.06979
    Journal: Phys. Rev. D, 109, 12, 124008
  8. Lagrangian reverse engineering for regular black holes
    Bokulic, Ana and Franzin, Edgardo and Juric, Tajron and Smolic, Ivica
    arXiv: 2311.17151
    Journal: Phys. Lett. B, 854, 138750
  9. Novel tests of gravity using nano-Hertz stochastic gravitational-wave background signals
    Cannizzaro, Enrico and Franciolini, Gabriele and Pani, Paolo
    arXiv: 2307.11665
    Journal: JCAP, 04, 056
  10. Impact of a plasma on the relaxation of black holes
    Cannizzaro, Enrico and Spieksma, Thomas F. M. and Cardoso, Vitor and Ikeda, Taishi
    arXiv: 2405.05315
    Journal: Phys. Rev. D, 110, 2, L021302
  11. LISA Definition Study Report
    Colpi, Monica and others
    arXiv: 2402.07571
  12. Can we identify primordial black holes? Tidal tests for subsolar-mass gravitational-wave observations
    Crescimbeni, F. and Franciolini, G. and Pani, P. and Riotto, A.
    arXiv: 2402.18656
  13. Can we identify primordial black holes? Tidal tests for subsolar-mass gravitational-wave observations
    Crescimbeni, Francesco and Franciolini, Gabriele and Pani, Paolo and Riotto, Antonio
    Journal: Phys. Rev. D, 109, 12, 124063
  14. Compact objects in and beyond the standard model from nonperturbative vacuum scalarization
    Del Grosso, Loris and Pani, Paolo and Urbano, Alfredo
    arXiv: 2401.06716
    Journal: Phys. Rev. D, 109, 9, 095006
  15. Extreme mass-ratio inspirals as probes of scalar fields: Inclined circular orbits around Kerr black holes
    Della Rocca, Matteo and Barsanti, Susanna and Gualtieri, Leonardo and Maselli, Andrea
    arXiv: 2401.09542
    Journal: Phys. Rev. D, 109, 10, 104079
  16. Spectroscopy of magnetized black holes and topological stars
    Dima, Alexandru and Melis, Marco and Pani, Paolo
    arXiv: 2406.19327
  17. What is the source of the PTA GW signal?
    Ellis, John and Fairbairn, Malcolm and Franciolini, Gabriele and Hutsi, Gert and Iovino, Antonio and Lewicki, Marek and Raidal, Martti and Urrutia, Juan and Vaskonen, Ville and Veermae, Hardi
    arXiv: 2308.08546
    Journal: Phys. Rev. D, 109, 2, 023522
  18. Perturbativity in the presence of ultraslow-roll dynamics
    Franciolini, Gabriele and Iovino, Junior., Antonio and Taoso, Marco and Urbano, Alfredo
    arXiv: 2305.03491
    Journal: Phys. Rev. D, 109, 12, 123550
  19. Footprints of the QCD Crossover on Cosmological Gravitational Waves at Pulsar Timing Arrays
    Franciolini, Gabriele and Racco, Davide and Rompineve, Fabrizio
    arXiv: 2306.17136
    Journal: Phys. Rev. Lett., 132, 8, 081001
  20. Rotating metrics and new multipole moments from scattering amplitudes in arbitrary dimensions
    Gambino, Claudio and Pani, Paolo and Riccioni, Fabio
    arXiv: 2403.16574
    Journal: Phys. Rev. D, 109, 12, 124018
  21. Possible Causes of False General Relativity Violations in Gravitational Wave Observations
    Gupta, Anuradha and others
    arXiv: 2405.02197
  22. Extreme mass-ratio inspirals as probes of fundamental dipoles
    Lestingi, Jacopo and Cannizzaro, Enrico and Pani, Paolo
    arXiv: 2310.07772
    Journal: Phys. Rev. D, 109, 4, 044052
  23. Black hole spectroscopy beyond Kerr: Agnostic and theory-based tests with next-generation interferometers
    Maselli, Andrea and Yi, Sophia and Pierini, Lorenzo and Vellucci, Vania and Reali, Luca and Gualtieri, Leonardo and Berti, Emanuele
    arXiv: 2311.14803
    Journal: Phys. Rev. D, 109, 6, 064060
  24. Primordial black hole formation during the QCD phase transition: Threshold, mass distribution, and abundance
    Musco, Ilia and Jedamzik, Karsten and Young, Sam
    arXiv: 2303.07980
    Journal: Phys. Rev. D, 109, 8, 083506
  25. Rotating Love: The dynamical tides of spinning Newtonian stars
    Pnigouras, Pantelis and Gittins, Fabian and Nanda, Amlan and Andersson, Nils and Jones, David Ian
    arXiv: 2205.07577
    Journal: Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 527, 8409--8428
  26. Incompatibility of gravity theories with auxiliary fields with the standard model
    Ventagli, Giulia and Pani, Paolo and Sotiriou, Thomas P.
    arXiv: 2306.12350
    Journal: Phys. Rev. D, 109, 4, 044002




  1. Search for Eccentric Black Hole Coalescences during the Third Observing Run of LIGO and Virgo
    Abac, A. G. and others
    arXiv: 2308.03822
  2. Constraints on the Cosmic Expansion History from GWTC\textendash{}3
    Abbott, R. and others
    arXiv: 2111.03604
    Journal: Astrophys. J., 949, 2, 76
  3. Open Data from the Third Observing Run of LIGO, Virgo, KAGRA, and GEO
    Abbott, R. and others
    arXiv: 2302.03676
    Journal: Astrophys. J. Suppl., 267, 2, 29
  4. Search for gravitational-lensing signatures in the full third observing run of the LIGO-Virgo network
    Abbott, R. and others
    arXiv: 2304.08393
  5. Search for subsolar-mass black hole binaries in the second part of Advanced LIGO's and Advanced Virgo's third observing run
    Abbott, R. and others
    arXiv: 2212.01477
    Journal: Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 524, 4, 5984--5992
  6. Advanced Virgo Plus: Future Perspectives
    Acernese, F. and others
    Journal: J. Phys. Conf. Ser., 2429, 1, 012040
  7. Virgo detector characterization and data quality: results from the O3 run
    Acernese, F. and others
    arXiv: 2210.15633
    Journal: Class. Quant. Grav., 40, 18, 185006
  8. Virgo detector characterization and data quality: tools
    Acernese, F. and others
    arXiv: 2210.15634
    Journal: Class. Quant. Grav., 40, 18, 185005
  9. Waveform Modelling for the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna
    Afshordi, Niayesh and others
    arXiv: 2311.01300
  10. Cosmology with the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna
    Auclair, Pierre and others
    arXiv: 2204.05434
    Journal: Living Rev. Rel., 26, 1, 5
  11. Primordial black holes and their gravitational-wave signatures
    Bagui, Eleni and others
    arXiv: 2310.19857
  12. Scalar-induced gravitational wave interpretation of PTA data: the role of scalar fluctuation propagation speed
    Balaji, Shyam and Dom\`enech, Guillem and Franciolini, Gabriele
    arXiv: 2307.08552
    Journal: JCAP, 10, 041
  13. Detecting Massive Scalar Fields with Extreme Mass-Ratio Inspirals
    Barsanti, Susanna and Maselli, Andrea and Sotiriou, Thomas P. and Gualtieri, Leonardo
    arXiv: 2212.03888
    Journal: Phys. Rev. Lett., 131, 5, 051401
  14. Landscape of stellar-mass black-hole spectroscopy with third-generation gravitational-wave detectors
    Bhagwat, Swetha and Pacilio, Costantino and Pani, Paolo and Mapelli, Michela
    arXiv: 2304.02283
    Journal: Phys. Rev. D, 108, 4, 043019
  15. Science with the Einstein Telescope: a comparison of different designs
    Branchesi, Marica and others
    arXiv: 2303.15923
    Journal: JCAP, 07, 068
  16. Dynamical tidal Love numbers of Kerr-like compact objects
    Chakraborty, Sumanta and Maggio, Elisa and Silvestrini, Michela and Pani, Paolo
    arXiv: 2310.06023
  17. Nonperturbative gedanken experiments in Einstein-dilaton-Gauss-Bonnet gravity: Nonlinear transitions and tests of the cosmic censorship beyond general relativity
    Corelli, Fabrizio and De Amicis, Marina and Ikeda, Taishi and Pani, Paolo
    arXiv: 2205.13007
    Journal: Phys. Rev. D, 107, 4, 044061
  18. What is the Fate of Hawking Evaporation in Gravity Theories with Higher Curvature Terms?
    Corelli, Fabrizio and De Amicis, Marina and Ikeda, Taishi and Pani, Paolo
    arXiv: 2205.13006
    Journal: Phys. Rev. Lett., 130, 9, 091501
  19. Spectral instability of quasinormal modes and strong cosmic censorship
    Courty, Aubin and Destounis, Kyriakos and Pani, Paolo
    arXiv: 2307.11155
    Journal: Phys. Rev. D, 108, 10, 104027
  20. Fermion soliton stars
    Del Grosso, Loris and Franciolini, Gabriele and Pani, Paolo and Urbano, Alfredo
    arXiv: 2301.08709
    Journal: Phys. Rev. D, 108, 4, 044024
  21. Fermion soliton stars with asymmetric vacua
    Del Grosso, Loris and Pani, Paolo
    arXiv: 2308.15921
    Journal: Phys. Rev. D, 108, 6, 064042
  22. Lensing constraints on ultradense dark matter halos
    Delos, M. Sten and Franciolini, Gabriele
    arXiv: 2301.13171
    Journal: Phys. Rev. D, 107, 8, 083505
  23. Heavy Primordial Black Holes from Strongly Clustered Light Black Holes
    De Luca, Valerio and Franciolini, Gabriele and Riotto, Antonio
    arXiv: 2210.14171
    Journal: Phys. Rev. Lett., 130, 17, 171401
  24. Modeling frequency-dependent tidal deformability for environmental black hole mergers
    De Luca, Valerio and Maselli, Andrea and Pani, Paolo
    arXiv: 2212.03343
    Journal: Phys. Rev. D, 107, 4, 044058
  25. Extreme-mass-ratio inspirals into rotating boson stars: Nonintegrability, chaos, and transient resonances
    Destounis, Kyriakos and Angeloni, Federico and Vaglio, Massimo and Pani, Paolo
    arXiv: 2305.05691
    Journal: Phys. Rev. D, 108, 8, 084062
  26. Black hole superradiant instability for massive spin-2 fields
    Dias, Oscar J. C. and Lingetti, Giuseppe and Pani, Paolo and Santos, Jorge E.
    arXiv: 2304.01265
    Journal: Phys. Rev. D, 108, 4, L041502
  27. Unequal-mass boson-star binaries: initial data and merger dynamics
    Evstafyeva, Tamara and Sperhake, Ulrich and Helfer, Thomas and Croft, Robin and Radia, Miren and Ge, Bo-Xuan and Lim, Eugene A.
    arXiv: 2212.08023
    Journal: Class. Quant. Grav., 40, 8, 085009
  28. Primordial black holes in the curvaton model: possible connections to pulsar timing arrays and dark matter
    Ferrante, Giacomo and Franciolini, Gabriele and Iovino, Junior., Antonio and Urbano, Alfredo
    arXiv: 2305.13382
    Journal: JCAP, 06, 057
  29. Primordial non-Gaussianity up to all orders: Theoretical aspects and implications for primordial black hole models
    Ferrante, Giacomo and Franciolini, Gabriele and Iovino, Junior., Antonio and Urbano, Alfredo
    arXiv: 2211.01728
    Journal: Phys. Rev. D, 107, 4, 043520
  30. Novel Ringdown Amplitude-Phase Consistency Test
    Forteza, Xisco Jim\'enez and Bhagwat, Swetha and Kumar, Sumit and Pani, Paolo
    arXiv: 2205.14910
    Journal: Phys. Rev. Lett., 130, 2, 021001
  31. Searching for primordial black holes with the Einstein Telescope: Impact of design and systematics
    Franciolini, Gabriele and Iacovelli, Francesco and Mancarella, Michele and Maggiore, Michele and Pani, Paolo and Riotto, Antonio
    arXiv: 2304.03160
    Journal: Phys. Rev. D, 108, 4, 043506
  32. Recent Gravitational Wave Observation by Pulsar Timing Arrays and Primordial Black Holes: The Importance of Non-Gaussianities
    Franciolini, Gabriele and Iovino, Junior., Antonio and Vaskonen, Ville and Veermae, Hardi
    arXiv: 2306.17149
    Journal: Phys. Rev. Lett., 131, 20, 201401
  33. Stochastic gravitational-wave background at 3G detectors as a smoking gun for microscopic dark matter relics
    Franciolini, Gabriele and Pani, Paolo
    arXiv: 2304.13576
    Journal: Phys. Rev. D, 108, 8, 083527
  34. General spherical harmonic bra-ket overlap integrals of trigonometric functions
    Lingetti, Giuseppe and Pani, Paolo
    arXiv: 2205.02337
    Journal: Class. Quant. Grav., 40, 5, 057001
  35. Relevance of Precession for Tests of the Black Hole No Hair Theorems
    Loutrel, Nicholas and Brito, Richard and Maselli, Andrea and Pani, Paolo
    arXiv: 2309.17404
  36. Parametrized post-Einsteinian framework for precessing binaries
    Loutrel, Nicholas and Pani, Paolo and Yunes, Nicol\'as
    arXiv: 2210.10571
    Journal: Phys. Rev. D, 107, 4, 044046
  37. Measuring properties of primordial black hole mergers at cosmological distances: Effect of higher order modes in gravitational waves
    Ng, Ken K. Y. and others
    arXiv: 2210.03132
    Journal: Phys. Rev. D, 107, 2, 024041
  38. Constraining the tidal deformability of supermassive objects with extreme mass ratio inspirals and semianalytical frequency-domain waveforms
    Piovano, Gabriel Andres and Maselli, Andrea and Pani, Paolo
    arXiv: 2207.07452
    Journal: Phys. Rev. D, 107, 2, 024021
  39. Eccentricity or spin precession? Distinguishing subdominant effects in gravitational-wave data
    Romero-Shaw, Isobel M. and Gerosa, Davide and Loutrel, Nicholas
    arXiv: 2211.07528
    Journal: Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 519, 4, 5352--5357
  40. Inferring interference: Identifying a perturbing tertiary with eccentric gravitational wave burst timing
    Romero-Shaw, Isobel M. and Loutrel, Nicholas and Zevin, Michael
    arXiv: 2211.07278
    Journal: Phys. Rev. D, 107, 12, 122001
  41. Superradiance: Axionic couplings and plasma effects
    Spieksma, Thomas F. M. and Cannizzaro, Enrico and Ikeda, Taishi and Cardoso, Vitor and Chen, Yifan
    arXiv: 2306.16447
    Journal: Phys. Rev. D, 108, 6, 063013
  42. Bayesian parameter estimation on boson-star binary signals with a coherent inspiral template and spin-dependent quadrupolar corrections
    Vaglio, Massimo and Pacilio, Costantino and Maselli, Andrea and Pani, Paolo
    arXiv: 2302.13954
    Journal: Phys. Rev. D, 108, 2, 023021
  43. Piercing of a solitonic boson star by a black hole
    Zhong, Zhen and Cardoso, Vitor and Ikeda, Taishi and Zilh\~ao, Miguel
    arXiv: 2307.02548
    Journal: Phys. Rev. D, 108, 8, 084051




  1. All-sky search for continuous gravitational waves from isolated neutron stars using Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo O3 data
    Abbott, R. and others
    arXiv: 2201.00697
    Journal: Phys. Rev. D, 106, 10, 102008
  2. All-sky search for gravitational wave emission from scalar boson clouds around spinning black holes in LIGO O3 data
    Abbott, R. and others
    arXiv: 2111.15507
    Journal: Phys. Rev. D, 105, 10, 102001
  3. First joint observation by the underground gravitational-wave detector KAGRA with GEO 600
    Abbott, R. and others
    arXiv: 2203.01270
    Journal: PTEP, 2022, 6, 063F01
  4. Model-based Cross-correlation Search for Gravitational Waves from the Low-mass X-Ray Binary Scorpius X-1 in LIGO O3 Data
    Abbott, R. and others
    arXiv: 2209.02863
    Journal: Astrophys. J. Lett., 941, 2, L30
  5. Searches for Gravitational Waves from Known Pulsars at Two Harmonics in the Second and Third LIGO-Virgo Observing Runs
    Abbott, R. and others
    arXiv: 2111.13106
    Journal: Astrophys. J., 935, 1, 1
  6. Search for continuous gravitational wave emission from the Milky~Way center in O3 LIGO-Virgo data
    Abbott, R. and others
    arXiv: 2204.04523
    Journal: Phys. Rev. D, 106, 4, 042003
  7. Search for gravitational waves from Scorpius X-1 with a hidden Markov model in O3 LIGO data
    Abbott, R. and others
    arXiv: 2201.10104
    Journal: Phys. Rev. D, 106, 6, 062002
  8. Compactness bounds in general relativity
    Alho, Artur and Nat\'ario, Jos\'e and Pani, Paolo and Raposo, Guilherme
    arXiv: 2202.00043
    Journal: Phys. Rev. D, 106, 4, L041502
  9. Applications of the close-limit approximation: horizonless compact objects and scalar fields
    Annulli, Lorenzo and Cardoso, Vitor and Gualtieri, Leonardo
    arXiv: 2104.11236
    Journal: Class. Quant. Grav., 39, 10, 105005
  10. New horizons for fundamental physics with LISA
    Arun, K. G. and others
    arXiv: 2205.01597
    Journal: Living Rev. Rel., 25, 1, 4
  11. Detecting Subsolar-Mass Primordial Black Holes in Extreme Mass-Ratio Inspirals with LISA and Einstein Telescope
    Barsanti, Susanna and De Luca, Valerio and Maselli, Andrea and Pani, Paolo
    arXiv: 2109.02170
    Journal: Phys. Rev. Lett., 128, 11, 111104
  12. Extreme mass-ratio inspirals as probes of scalar fields: Eccentric equatorial orbits around Kerr black holes
    Barsanti, Susanna and Franchini, Nicola and Gualtieri, Leonardo and Maselli, Andrea and Sotiriou, Thomas P.
    arXiv: 2203.05003
    Journal: Phys. Rev. D, 106, 4, 044029
  13. Probing anisotropies of the Stochastic Gravitational Wave Background with LISA
    Bartolo, Nicola and others
    arXiv: 2201.08782
    Journal: JCAP, 11, 009
  14. Workshop on Gravitational-Wave Astrophysics for Early Career Scientists
    Bayle, Jean-Baptiste and others
    arXiv: 2111.15596
    Journal: Nature Astron., 6, 3, 304--305
  15. Fundamental Physics in the Gravitational-Wave Era
    Bernitt, Sonja and others
    Journal: Nucl. Phys. News, 32, 1, 16--19
  16. Gravitational waves and kicks from the merger of unequal mass, highly compact boson stars
    Bezares, Miguel and Bo\v{s}kovi\'c, Mateja and Liebling, Steven and Palenzuela, Carlos and Pani, Paolo and Barausse, Enrico
    arXiv: 2201.06113
    Journal: Phys. Rev. D, 105, 6, 064067
  17. Landscape of massive black-hole spectroscopy with LISA and the Einstein Telescope
    Bhagwat, Swetha and Pacilio, Costantino and Barausse, Enrico and Pani, Paolo
    arXiv: 2201.00023
    Journal: Phys. Rev. D, 105, 12, 124063
  18. Dark photon superradiance quenched by dark matter
    Cannizzaro, Enrico and Sberna, Laura and Caputo, Andrea and Pani, Paolo
    arXiv: 2206.12367
    Journal: Phys. Rev. D, 106, 8, 083019
  19. Regular black holes without mass inflation instability
    Carballo-Rubio, Ra\'ul and Di Filippo, Francesco and Liberati, Stefano and Pacilio, Costantino and Visser, Matt
    arXiv: 2205.13556
    Journal: JHEP, 09, 118
  20. Parasitic black holes: The swallowing of a fuzzy dark matter soliton
    Cardoso, Vitor and Ikeda, Taishi and Vicente, Rodrigo and Zilh\~ao, Miguel
    arXiv: 2207.09469
    Journal: Phys. Rev. D, 106, 12, L121302
  21. Piercing of a boson star by a black hole
    Cardoso, Vitor and Ikeda, Taishi and Zhong, Zhen and Zilh\~ao, Miguel
    arXiv: 2206.00021
    Journal: Phys. Rev. D, 106, 4, 044030
  22. Impact and detectability of spin-tidal couplings in neutron star inspirals
    Castro, Gon\c{c}alo and Gualtieri, Leonardo and Maselli, Andrea and Pani, Paolo
    arXiv: 2204.12510
    Journal: Phys. Rev. D, 106, 2, 024011
  23. Implications of the quantum nature of the black hole horizon on the gravitational-wave ringdown
    Chakraborty, Sumanta and Maggio, Elisa and Mazumdar, Anupam and Pani, Paolo
    arXiv: 2202.09111
    Journal: Phys. Rev. D, 106, 2, 024041
  24. Primordial black holes in matter-dominated eras: The role of accretion
    De Luca, Valerio and Franciolini, Gabriele and Kehagias, Alex and Pani, Paolo and Riotto, Antonio
    arXiv: 2112.02534
    Journal: Phys. Lett. B, 832, 137265
  25. Ruling Out Initially Clustered Primordial Black Holes as Dark Matter
    De Luca, Valerio and Franciolini, Gabriele and Riotto, Antonio and Veermae, Hardi
    arXiv: 2208.01683
    Journal: Phys. Rev. Lett., 129, 19, 191302
  26. On the Inner Horizon Instability of Non-Singular Black Holes
    Di Filippo, Francesco and Carballo-Rubio, Ra\'ul and Liberati, Stefano and Pacilio, Costantino and Visser, Matt
    arXiv: 2203.14516
    Journal: Universe, 8, 4, 204
  27. Searching for a subpopulation of primordial black holes in LIGO-Virgo gravitational-wave data
    Franciolini, Gabriele and Baibhav, Vishal and De Luca, Valerio and Ng, Ken K. Y. and Wong, Kaze W. K. and Berti, Emanuele and Pani, Paolo and Riotto, Antonio and Vitale, Salvatore
    arXiv: 2105.03349
    Journal: Phys. Rev. D, 105, 8, 083526
  28. How to assess the primordial origin of single gravitational-wave events with mass, spin, eccentricity, and deformability measurements
    Franciolini, Gabriele and Cotesta, Roberto and Loutrel, Nicholas and Berti, Emanuele and Pani, Paolo and Riotto, Antonio
    arXiv: 2112.10660
    Journal: Phys. Rev. D, 105, 6, 063510
  29. Primordial black hole mergers from three-body interactions
    Franciolini, Gabriele and Kritos, Konstantinos and Berti, Emanuele and Silk, Joseph
    arXiv: 2205.15340
    Journal: Phys. Rev. D, 106, 8, 083529
  30. Hunt for light primordial black hole dark matter with ultrahigh-frequency gravitational waves
    Franciolini, Gabriele and Maharana, Anshuman and Muia, Francesco
    arXiv: 2205.02153
    Journal: Phys. Rev. D, 106, 10, 103520
  31. From inflation to black hole mergers and back again: Gravitational-wave data-driven constraints on inflationary scenarios with a first-principle model of primordial black holes across the QCD epoch
    Franciolini, Gabriele and Musco, Ilia and Pani, Paolo and Urbano, Alfredo
    arXiv: 2209.05959
    Journal: Phys. Rev. D, 106, 12, 123526
  32. Searching for mass-spin correlations in the population of gravitational-wave events: The GWTC-3 case study
    Franciolini, Gabriele and Pani, Paolo
    arXiv: 2201.13098
    Journal: Phys. Rev. D, 105, 12, 123024
  33. Primordial black hole dark matter from inflation: The reverse engineering approach
    Franciolini, Gabriele and Urbano, Alfredo
    arXiv: 2207.10056
    Journal: Phys. Rev. D, 106, 12, 123519
  34. Superradiant instabilities by accretion disks in scalar-tensor theories
    Lingetti, Giuseppe and Cannizzaro, Enrico and Pani, Paolo
    arXiv: 2204.09335
    Journal: Phys. Rev. D, 106, 2, 024007
  35. Inspiraling compact objects with generic deformations
    Loutrel, Nicholas and Brito, Richard and Maselli, Andrea and Pani, Paolo
    arXiv: 2203.01725
    Journal: Phys. Rev. D, 105, 12, 124050
  36. Parity violation in spin-precessing binaries: Gravitational waves from the inspiral of black holes in dynamical Chern-Simons gravity
    Loutrel, Nicholas and Yunes, Nicolas
    arXiv: 2205.02675
    Journal: Phys. Rev. D, 106, 6, 064009
  37. Probing new physics on the horizon of black holes with gravitational waves
    Maggio, Elisa
    arXiv: 2211.16900
  38. Detecting fundamental fields with LISA observations of gravitational waves from extreme mass-ratio inspirals
    Maselli, Andrea and Franchini, Nicola and Gualtieri, Leonardo and Sotiriou, Thomas P. and Barsanti, Susanna and Pani, Paolo
    arXiv: 2106.11325
    Journal: Nature Astron., 6, 4, 464--470
  39. Primordial black hole formation for an anisotropic perfect fluid: Initial conditions and estimation of the threshold
    Musco, Ilia and Papanikolaou, Theodoros
    arXiv: 2110.05982
    Journal: Phys. Rev. D, 106, 8, 083017
  40. Constraining High-redshift Stellar-mass Primordial Black Holes with Next-generation Ground-based Gravitational-wave Detectors
    Ng, Ken K. Y. and Franciolini, Gabriele and Berti, Emanuele and Pani, Paolo and Riotto, Antonio and Vitale, Salvatore
    arXiv: 2204.11864
    Journal: Astrophys. J. Lett., 933, 2, L41
  41. Ranking Love Numbers for the Neutron Star Equation of State: The Need for Third-Generation Detectors
    Pacilio, Costantino and Maselli, Andrea and Fasano, Margherita and Pani, Paolo
    arXiv: 2104.10035
    Journal: Phys. Rev. Lett., 128, 10, 101101
  42. Quasinormal modes of rotating black holes in Einstein-dilaton Gauss-Bonnet gravity: The second order in rotation
    Pierini, Lorenzo and Gualtieri, Leonardo
    arXiv: 2207.11267
    Journal: Phys. Rev. D, 106, 10, 104009
  43. Spinning compact objects in extreme-mass-ratio inspirals
    Piovano, Gabriel Andres
  44. Inferring the dense nuclear matter equation of state with neutron star tides
    Pnigouras, Pantelis and Andersson, Nils and Passamonti, Andrea
    Journal: EPJ Web Conf., 258, 07002
  45. Sensitivity of neutron star observations to three-nucleon forces
    Sabatucci, Andrea and Benhar, Omar and Maselli, Andrea and Pacilio, Costantino
    arXiv: 2206.11286
    Journal: Phys. Rev. D, 106, 8, 083010
  46. The effect of mission duration on LISA science objectives
    Seoane, Pau Amaro and others
    arXiv: 2107.09665
    Journal: Gen. Rel. Grav., 54, 1, 3
  47. Multipolar structure of rotating boson stars
    Vaglio, Massimo and Pacilio, Costantino and Maselli, Andrea and Pani, Paolo
    arXiv: 2203.07442
    Journal: Phys. Rev. D, 105, 12, 124020




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  16. Challenging cosmic censorship in Einstein-Maxwell-scalar theory with numerically simulated gedanken experiments
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  17. The minimum testable abundance of primordial black holes at future gravitational-wave detectors
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  18. Tidal deformability of dressed black holes and tests of ultralight bosons in extended mass ranges
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  43. Evaporating black holes: Constraints on anomalous emission mechanisms
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  44. Probing ultralight dark matter with future ground-based gravitational-wave detectors
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  21. Gravitational-wave detectors as particle-physics laboratories: Constraining scalar interactions with a coherent inspiral model of boson-star binaries
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  1. Tests of General Relativity with the Binary Black Hole Signals from the LIGO-Virgo Catalog GWTC-1
    Abbott, B. P. and others
    arXiv: 1903.04467
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  2. Tidal deformations of compact objects and gravitational wave emission
    Abdelsalhin, Tiziano
    arXiv: 1905.00408
  3. Electromagnetism and hidden vector fields in modified gravity theories: spontaneous and induced vectorization
    Annulli, Lorenzo and Cardoso, Vitor and Gualtieri, Leonardo
    arXiv: 1901.02461
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  4. Black holes, gravitational waves and fundamental physics: a roadmap
    Barack, Leor and others
    arXiv: 1806.05195
    Journal: Class. Quant. Grav., 36, 14, 143001
  5. Ultralight boson cloud depletion in binary systems
    Berti, Emanuele and Brito, Richard and Macedo, Caio F. B. and Raposo, Guilherme and Rosa, Joao Luis
    arXiv: 1904.03131
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  6. Constraints on millicharged dark matter and axionlike particles from timing of radio waves
    Caputo, Andrea and Sberna, Laura and Frias, Miguel and Blas, Diego and Pani, Paolo and Shao, Lijing and Yan, Wenming
    arXiv: 1902.02695
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  7. Gravitational waves and higher dimensions: Love numbers and Kaluza-Klein excitations
    Cardoso, Vitor and Gualtieri, Leonardo and Moore, Christopher J.
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  8. Parametrized black hole quasinormal ringdown: Decoupled equations for nonrotating black holes
    Cardoso, Vitor and Kimura, Masashi and Maselli, Andrea and Berti, Emanuele and Macedo, Caio F. B. and McManus, Ryan
    arXiv: 1901.01265
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  9. Testing the nature of dark compact objects: a status report
    Cardoso, Vitor and Pani, Paolo
    arXiv: 1904.05363
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  10. Accretion in Strong Field Gravity with eXTP
    De Rosa, Alessandra and others
    arXiv: 1812.04022
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  11. Constraining the Neutron Star Equation of State Using Multiband Independent Measurements of Radii and Tidal Deformabilities
    Fasano, Margherita and Abdelsalhin, Tiziano and Maselli, Andrea and Ferrari, Valeria
    arXiv: 1902.05078
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  12. Impact of multiple modes on the black-hole superradiant instability
    Ficarra, Giuseppe and Pani, Paolo and Witek, Helvi
    arXiv: 1812.02758
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  13. Follow-up signals from superradiant instabilities of black hole merger remnants
    Ghosh, Shrobana and Berti, Emanuele and Brito, Richard and Richartz, Mauricio
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  14. Bounding alternative theories of gravity with multiband GW observations
    Gnocchi, Giuseppe and Maselli, Andrea and Abdelsalhin, Tiziano and Giacobbo, Nicola and Mapelli, Michela
    arXiv: 1905.13460
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  15. Axion boson stars
    Guerra, Davide and Macedo, Caio F. B. and Pani, Paolo
    arXiv: 1909.05515
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  16. Probing the existence of ultralight bosons with a single gravitational-wave measurement
    Hannuksela, Otto A. and Wong, Kaze W. K. and Brito, Richard and Berti, Emanuele and Li, Tjonnie G. F.
    arXiv: 1804.09659
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  17. Blasts of Light from Axions
    Ikeda, Taishi and Brito, Richard and Cardoso, Vitor
    arXiv: 1811.04950
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  18. Directed searches for gravitational waves from ultralight bosons
    Isi, Maximiliano and Sun, Ling and Brito, Richard and Melatos, Andrew
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  19. Electromagnetic probes of primordial black holes as dark matter
    Kashlinsky, A. and others
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  20. Self-interactions and Spontaneous Black Hole Scalarization
    Macedo, Caio F. B. and Sakstein, Jeremy and Berti, Emanuele and Gualtieri, Leonardo and Silva, Hector O. and Sotiriou, Thomas P.
    arXiv: 1903.06784
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  21. Ergoregion instability of exotic compact objects: electromagnetic and gravitational perturbations and the role of absorption
    Maggio, Elisa and Cardoso, Vitor and Dolan, Sam R. and Pani, Paolo
    arXiv: 1807.08840
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  22. Analytical model for gravitational-wave echoes from spinning remnants
    Maggio, Elisa and Testa, Adriano and Bhagwat, Swetha and Pani, Paolo
    arXiv: 1907.03091
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  23. From micro to macro and back: probing near-horizon quantum structures with gravitational waves
    Maselli, Andrea and Pani, Paolo and Cardoso, Vitor and Abdelsalhin, Tiziano and Gualtieri, Leonardo and Ferrari, Valeria
    arXiv: 1811.03689
    Journal: Class. Quant. Grav., 36, 16, 167001
  24. Parametrized black hole quasinormal ringdown. II. Coupled equations and quadratic corrections for nonrotating black holes
    McManus, Ryan and Berti, Emanuele and Macedo, Caio F. B. and Kimura, Masashi and Maselli, Andrea and Cardoso, Vitor
    arXiv: 1906.05155
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  25. Stochastic gravitational wave background mapmaking using regularized deconvolution
    Panda, Sambit and Bhagwat, Swetha and Suresh, Jishnu and Mitra, Sanjit
    arXiv: 1905.08276
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  26. Anisotropic stars as ultracompact objects in General Relativity
    Raposo, Guilherme and Pani, Paolo and Bezares, Miguel and Palenzuela, Carlos and Cardoso, Vitor
    arXiv: 1811.07917
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  27. Exotic compact objects with soft hair
    Raposo, Guilherme and Pani, Paolo and Emparan, Roberto
    arXiv: 1812.07615
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  28. Stability of scalarized black hole solutions in scalar-Gauss-Bonnet gravity
    Silva, Hector O. and Macedo, Caio F. B. and Sotiriou, Thomas P. and Gualtieri, Leonardo and Sakstein, Jeremy and Berti, Emanuele
    arXiv: 1812.05590
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  29. Black holes and binary mergers in scalar Gauss-Bonnet gravity: scalar field dynamics
    Witek, Helvi and Gualtieri, Leonardo and Pani, Paolo and Sotiriou, Thomas P.
    arXiv: 1810.05177
    Journal: Phys. Rev. D, 99, 6, 064035




  1. Post-Newtonian spin-tidal couplings for compact binaries
    Abdelsalhin, Tiziano and Gualtieri, Leonardo and Pani, Paolo
    arXiv: 1805.01487
    Journal: Phys. Rev. D, 98, 10, 104046
  2. Solving the relativistic inverse stellar problem through gravitational waves observation of binary neutron stars
    Abdelsalhin, Tiziano and Maselli, Andrea and Ferrari, Valeria
    arXiv: 1712.01303
    Journal: Phys. Rev. D, 97, 8, 084014
  3. The stochastic gravitational-wave background in the absence of horizons
    Barausse, Enrico and Brito, Richard and Cardoso, Vitor and Dvorkin, Irina and Pani, Paolo
    arXiv: 1805.08229
    Journal: Class. Quant. Grav., 35, 20, 20LT01
  4. Constraining the mass of dark photons and axion-like particles through black-hole superradiance
    Cardoso, Vitor and Dias, \'Oscar J. C. and Hartnett, Gavin S. and Middleton, Matthew and Pani, Paolo and Santos, Jorge E.
    arXiv: 1801.01420
    Journal: JCAP, 03, 043
  5. Gravitational waves from single neutron stars: an advanced detector era survey
    Glampedakis, Kostas and Gualtieri, Leonardo
    arXiv: 1709.07049
    Journal: Astrophys. Space Sci. Libr., 457, 673--736
  6. Impact of high-order tidal terms on binary neutron-star waveforms
    Jim\'enez Forteza, Xisco and Abdelsalhin, Tiziano and Pani, Paolo and Gualtieri, Leonardo
    arXiv: 1807.08016
    Journal: Phys. Rev. D, 98, 12, 124014
  7. Probing Planckian corrections at the horizon scale with LISA binaries
    Maselli, Andrea and Pani, Paolo and Cardoso, Vitor and Abdelsalhin, Tiziano and Gualtieri, Leonardo and Ferrari, Valeria
    arXiv: 1703.10612
    Journal: Phys. Rev. Lett., 120, 8, 081101
  8. On gravitational-wave echoes from neutron-star binary coalescences
    Pani, Paolo and Ferrari, Valeria
    arXiv: 1804.01444
    Journal: Class. Quant. Grav., 35, 15, 15LT01
  9. On the connection of spacetime separability and spherical photon orbits
    Pappas, George and Glampedakis, Kostas
    arXiv: 1806.04091
  10. Spontaneous scalarization of black holes and compact stars from a Gauss-Bonnet coupling
    Silva, Hector O. and Sakstein, Jeremy and Gualtieri, Leonardo and Sotiriou, Thomas P. and Berti, Emanuele
    arXiv: 1711.02080
    Journal: Phys. Rev. Lett., 120, 13, 131104
  11. Analytical template for gravitational-wave echoes: signal characterization and prospects of detection with current and future interferometers
    Testa, Adriano and Pani, Paolo
    arXiv: 1806.04253
    Journal: Phys. Rev. D, 98, 4, 044018




  1. Gravitational wave searches for ultralight bosons with LIGO and LISA
    Brito, Richard and Ghosh, Shrobana and Barausse, Enrico and Berti, Emanuele and Cardoso, Vitor and Dvorkin, Irina and Klein, Antoine and Pani, Paolo
    arXiv: 1706.06311
    Journal: Phys. Rev. D, 96, 6, 064050
  2. Stochastic and resolvable gravitational waves from ultralight bosons
    Brito, Richard and Ghosh, Shrobana and Barausse, Enrico and Berti, Emanuele and Cardoso, Vitor and Dvorkin, Irina and Klein, Antoine and Pani, Paolo
    arXiv: 1706.05097
    Journal: Phys. Rev. Lett., 119, 13, 131101
  3. Evolution of a proto-neutron star with a nuclear many-body equation of state: Neutrino luminosity and gravitational wave frequencies
    Camelio, Giovanni and Lovato, Alessandro and Gualtieri, Leonardo and Benhar, Omar and Pons, Jos\'e A. and Ferrari, Valeria
    arXiv: 1704.01923
    Journal: Phys. Rev. D, 96, 4, 043015
  4. Testing strong-field gravity with tidal Love numbers
    Cardoso, Vitor and Franzin, Edgardo and Maselli, Andrea and Pani, Paolo and Raposo, Guilherme
    arXiv: 1701.01116
    Journal: Phys. Rev. D, 95, 8, 084014
  5. Tests for the existence of black holes through gravitational wave echoes
    Cardoso, Vitor and Pani, Paolo
    arXiv: 1709.01525
    Journal: Nature Astron., 1, 9, 586--591
  6. The observational evidence for horizons: from echoes to precision gravitational-wave physics
    Cardoso, Vitor and Pani, Paolo
    arXiv: 1707.03021
  7. Superradiance in rotating stars and pulsar-timing constraints on dark photons
    Cardoso, Vitor and Pani, Paolo and Yu, Tien-Tien
    arXiv: 1704.06151
    Journal: Phys. Rev. D, 95, 12, 124056
  8. Constraining black holes with light boson hair and boson stars using epicyclic frequencies and quasiperiodic oscillations
    Franchini, Nicola and Pani, Paolo and Maselli, Andrea and Gualtieri, Leonardo and Herdeiro, Carlos A R and Radu, Eugen and Ferrari, Valeria
    arXiv: 1612.00038
    Journal: Phys. Rev. D, 95, 12, 124025
  9. Testing strong gravity with gravitational waves and Love numbers
    Franzin, E. and Cardoso, V. and Pani, P. and Raposo, G.
    Journal: J. Phys. Conf. Ser., 841, 1, 012035
  10. Gravitational fields with sources: From compact objects to black holes
    Lemos, Jos'e P. S. and Pani, Paolo
    arXiv: 1608.08360
  11. Exotic Compact Objects and How to Quench their Ergoregion Instability
    Maggio, Elisa and Pani, Paolo and Ferrari, Valeria
    arXiv: 1703.03696
    Journal: Phys. Rev. D, 96, 10, 104047
  12. Gravitational Wave Signatures of Highly Compact Boson Star Binaries
    Palenzuela, Carlos and Pani, Paolo and Bezares, Miguel and Cardoso, Vitor and Lehner, Luis and Liebling, Steven
    arXiv: 1710.09432
    Journal: Phys. Rev. D, 96, 10, 104058
  13. Recent progress on the tidal deformability of spinning compact objects
    Pani, Paolo and Gualtieri, Leonardo and Maselli, Andrea and Ferrari, Valeria
  14. Nonsingular solutions and instabilities in Einstein-scalar-Gauss-Bonnet cosmology
    Sberna, Laura and Pani, Paolo
    arXiv: 1708.06371
    Journal: Phys. Rev. D, 96, 12, 124022




  1. Radiating black holes in Einstein-Maxwell-dilaton theory and cosmic censorship violation
    Aniceto, Pedro and Pani, Paolo and Rocha, Jorge V.
    arXiv: 1512.08550
    Journal: JHEP, 05, 115
  2. Linear stability of nonbidiagonal black holes in massive gravity
    Babichev, Eugeny and Brito, Richard and Pani, Paolo
    arXiv: 1512.04058
    Journal: Phys. Rev. D, 93, 4, 044041
  3. Numerical Relativity and High Energy Physics: Recent Developments
    Berti, Emanuele and Cardoso, Vitor and Crispino, Luis C. B. and Gualtieri, Leonardo and Herdeiro, Carlos and Sperhake, Ulrich
    arXiv: 1603.06146
    Journal: Int. J. Mod. Phys. D, 25, 09, 1641022
  4. Perturbed black holes in Einstein-dilaton-Gauss-Bonnet gravity: Stability, ringdown, and gravitational-wave emission
    Bl\'azquez-Salcedo, Jose Luis and Macedo, Caio F. B. and Cardoso, Vitor and Ferrari, Valeria and Gualtieri, Leonardo and Khoo, Fech Scen and Kunz, Jutta and Pani, Paolo
    arXiv: 1609.01286
    Journal: Phys. Rev. D, 94, 10, 104024
  5. Black holes in Einstein-Gau\ss{}-Bonnet-dilaton theory
    Bl\'azquez-Salcedo, Jose Luis and others
    arXiv: 1610.09214
    Journal: IAU Symp., 324, 265--272
  6. Interaction between bosonic dark matter and stars
    Brito, Richard and Cardoso, Vitor and Macedo, Caio F. B. and Okawa, Hirotada and Palenzuela, Carlos
    arXiv: 1512.00466
    Journal: Phys. Rev. D, 93, 4, 044045
  7. Interacting shells in AdS spacetime and chaos
    Brito, Richard and Cardoso, Vitor and Rocha, Jorge V.
    arXiv: 1602.03535
    Journal: Phys. Rev. D, 94, 2, 024003
  8. Spin evolution of a proto-neutron star
    Camelio, Giovanni and Gualtieri, Leonardo and Pons, Jos\'e A. and Ferrari, Valeria
    arXiv: 1601.02945
    Journal: Phys. Rev. D, 94, 2, 024008
  9. Is the gravitational-wave ringdown a probe of the event horizon?
    Cardoso, Vitor and Franzin, Edgardo and Pani, Paolo
    arXiv: 1602.07309
    Journal: Phys. Rev. Lett., 116, 17, 171101
  10. Testing the black hole \textquoteleft{}no-hair\textquoteright{} hypothesis
    Cardoso, Vitor and Gualtieri, Leonardo
    arXiv: 1607.03133
    Journal: Class. Quant. Grav., 33, 17, 174001
  11. Gravitational-wave signatures of exotic compact objects and of quantum corrections at the horizon scale
    Cardoso, Vitor and Hopper, Seth and Macedo, Caio F. B. and Palenzuela, Carlos and Pani, Paolo
    arXiv: 1608.08637
    Journal: Phys. Rev. D, 94, 8, 084031
  12. Black holes and gravitational waves in models of minicharged dark matter
    Cardoso, Vitor and Macedo, Caio F. B. and Pani, Paolo and Ferrari, Valeria
    arXiv: 1604.07845
    Journal: JCAP, 05, 054
  13. Constraining Modified Theories of Gravity with Gravitational-Wave Stochastic Backgrounds
    Maselli, Andrea and Marassi, Stefania and Ferrari, Valeria and Kokkotas, Kostas and Schneider, Raffaella
    arXiv: 1606.04996
    Journal: Phys. Rev. Lett., 117, 9, 091102
  14. Recent developments in the tidal deformability of spinning compact objects
    Pani, Paolo and Gualtieri, Leonardo and Maselli, Andrea and Ferrari, Valeria
    Journal: Int. J. Mod. Phys. D, 25, 09, 1641001
  15. Tidal deformability and I-Love-Q relations for gravastars with polytropic thin shells
    Uchikata, Nami and Yoshida, Shijun and Pani, Paolo
    arXiv: 1607.03593
    Journal: Phys. Rev. D, 94, 6, 064015




  1. Searches for continuous gravitational waves from nine young supernova remnants
    Aasi, J. and others
    arXiv: 1412.5942
    Journal: Astrophys. J., 813, 1, 39
  2. Environmental Effects for Gravitational-wave Astrophysics
    Barausse, Enrico and Cardoso, Vitor and Pani, Paolo
    arXiv: 1404.7140
    Journal: J. Phys. Conf. Ser., 610, 1, 012044
  3. Testing General Relativity with Present and Future Astrophysical Observations
    Berti, Emanuele and others
    arXiv: 1501.07274
    Journal: Class. Quant. Grav., 32, 243001
  4. Black holes as particle detectors: evolution of superradiant instabilities
    Brito, Richard and Cardoso, Vitor and Pani, Paolo
    arXiv: 1411.0686
    Journal: Class. Quant. Grav., 32, 13, 134001
  5. Superradiance}: {New Frontiers in Black Hole Physics
    Brito, Richard and Cardoso, Vitor and Pani, Paolo
    arXiv: 1501.06570
    Journal: Lect. Notes Phys., 906, pp.1--237
  6. Exploring New Physics Frontiers Through Numerical Relativity
    Cardoso, Vitor and Gualtieri, Leonardo and Herdeiro, Carlos and Sperhake, Ulrich
    arXiv: 1409.0014
    Journal: Living Rev. Relativity, 18, 1
  7. Tensor-multi-scalar theories: relativistic stars and 3 + 1 decomposition
    Horbatsch, Michael and Silva, Hector O. and Gerosa, Davide and Pani, Paolo and Berti, Emanuele and Gualtieri, Leonardo and Sperhake, Ulrich
    arXiv: 1505.07462
    Journal: Class. Quant. Grav., 32, 20, 204001
  8. Superradiant instability of the Kerr brane
    Ishibashi, Akihiro and Pani, Paolo and Gualtieri, Leonardo and Cardoso, Vitor
    arXiv: 1507.07079
    Journal: JHEP, 09, 209
  9. Coincidence searches of gravitational waves and short gamma-ray bursts
    Maselli, Andrea and Ferrari, Valeria
    arXiv: 1405.7201
    Journal: Astrophys. Space Sci. Proc., 40, 75--83
  10. Testing Gravity with Quasi Periodic Oscillations from accreting Black Holes: the Case of the Einstein-Dilaton-Gauss-Bonnet Theory
    Maselli, Andrea and Gualtieri, Leonardo and Pani, Paolo and Stella, Luigi and Ferrari, Valeria
    arXiv: 1412.3473
    Journal: Astrophys. J., 801, 2, 115
  11. Rotating black holes in Einstein-Dilaton-Gauss-Bonnet gravity with finite coupling
    Maselli, Andrea and Pani, Paolo and Gualtieri, Leonardo and Ferrari, Valeria
    arXiv: 1507.00680
    Journal: Phys. Rev. D, 92, 8, 083014
  12. Binary pulsars as dark-matter probes
    Pani, Paolo
    arXiv: 1512.01236
    Journal: Phys. Rev. D, 92, 12, 123530
  13. I-Love-Q relations for gravastars and the approach to the black-hole limit
    Pani, Paolo
    arXiv: 1506.06050
    Journal: Phys. Rev. D, 92, 12, 124030
  14. Tidal deformations of a spinning compact object
    Pani, Paolo and Gualtieri, Leonardo and Maselli, Andrea and Ferrari, Valeria
    arXiv: 1503.07365
    Journal: Phys. Rev. D, 92, 2, 024010




  1. Light rings as observational evidence for event horizons: long-lived modes, ergoregions and nonlinear instabilities of ultracompact objects
    Cardoso, Vitor and Crispino, Lu\'\i{}s C. B. and Macedo, Caio F. B. and Okawa, Hirotada and Pani, Paolo
    arXiv: 1406.5510
    Journal: Phys. Rev. D, 90, 4, 044069
  2. Quasinormal modes of superfluid neutron stars
    Gualtieri, L. and Kantor, E. M. and Gusakov, M. E. and Chugunov, A. I.
    arXiv: 1404.7512
    Journal: Phys. Rev. D, 90, 2, 024010
  3. Rotating protoneutron stars: Spin evolution, maximum mass, and I-Love-Q relations
    Martinon, Gr\'egoire and Maselli, Andrea and Gualtieri, Leonardo and Ferrari, Valeria
    arXiv: 1406.7661
    Journal: Phys. Rev. D, 90, 6, 064026
  4. Low latency search for gravitational waves from black-hole\textendash{}neutron-star binaries in coincidence with short gamma-ray bursts
    Maselli, Andrea and Ferrari, Valeria
    arXiv: 1312.5133
    Journal: Phys. Rev. D, 89, 6, 064056
  5. Study of the nonlinear instability of confined geometries
    Okawa, Hirotada and Cardoso, Vitor and Pani, Paolo
    arXiv: 1409.0533
    Journal: Phys. Rev. D, 90, 10, 104032
  6. Higher dimensional Numerical Relativity: code comparison
    Witek, Helvi and Okawa, Hirotada and Cardoso, Vitor and Gualtieri, Leonardo and Herdeiro, Carlos and Shibata, Masaru and Sperhake, Ulrich and Zilhao, Miguel
    arXiv: 1406.2703
    Journal: Phys. Rev. D, 90, 8, 084014
  7. Black Hole Collisions in Asymptotically de Sitter Spacetimes
    Zilh\~ao, Miguel and Cardoso, Vitor and Gualtieri, Leonardo and Herdeiro, Carlos and Sperhake, Ulrich and Witek, Helvi
    Journal: Springer Proc. Phys., 157, 247--254




  1. Numerical simulations of single and binary black holes in scalar-tensor theories: circumventing the no-hair theorem
    Berti, Emanuele and Cardoso, Vitor and Gualtieri, Leonardo and Horbatsch, Michael and Sperhake, Ulrich
    arXiv: 1304.2836
    Journal: Phys. Rev. D, 87, 12, 124020
  2. Equation-of-state-independent relations in neutron stars
    Maselli, Andrea and Cardoso, Vitor and Ferrari, Valeria and Gualtieri, Leonardo and Pani, Paolo
    arXiv: 1304.2052
    Journal: Phys. Rev. D, 88, 2, 023007
  3. Constraining the equation of state of nuclear matter with gravitational wave observations: Tidal deformability and tidal disruption
    Maselli, Andrea and Gualtieri, Leonardo and Ferrari, Valeria
    arXiv: 1310.5381
    Journal: Phys. Rev. D, 88, 10, 104040
  4. Gravitoelectromagnetic Perturbations of Kerr-Newman Black Holes: Stability and Isospectrality in the Slow-Rotation Limit
    Pani, Paolo and Berti, Emanuele and Gualtieri, Leonardo
    arXiv: 1304.1160
    Journal: Phys. Rev. Lett., 110, 24, 241103
  5. Scalar, Electromagnetic and Gravitational Perturbations of Kerr-Newman Black Holes in the Slow-Rotation Limit
    Pani, Paolo and Berti, Emanuele and Gualtieri, Leonardo
    arXiv: 1307.7315
    Journal: Phys. Rev. D, 88, 064048




  1. Light scalar field constraints from gravitational-wave observations of compact binaries
    Berti, Emanuele and Gualtieri, Leonardo and Horbatsch, Michael and Alsing, Justin
    arXiv: 1204.4340
    Journal: Phys. Rev. D, 85, 122005
  2. NR/HEP: roadmap for the future
    Cardoso, Vitor and others
    arXiv: 1201.5118
    Journal: Class. Quant. Grav., 29, 244001
  3. Tidal interaction in compact binaries: a post-Newtonian affine framework
    Ferrari, V. and Gualtieri, L. and Maselli, A.
    arXiv: 1111.6607
    Journal: Phys. Rev. D, 85, 044045
  4. On the validity of the adiabatic approximation in compact binary inspirals
    Maselli, Andrea and Gualtieri, Leonardo and Pannarale, Francesco and Ferrari, Valeria
    arXiv: 1205.7006
    Journal: Phys. Rev. D, 86, 044032
  5. Black hole bombs and photon mass bounds
    Pani, Paolo and Cardoso, Vitor and Gualtieri, Leonardo and Berti, Emanuele and Ishibashi, Akihiro
    arXiv: 1209.0465
    Journal: Phys. Rev. Lett., 109, 131102
  6. Perturbations of slowly rotating black holes: massive vector fields in the Kerr metric
    Pani, Paolo and Cardoso, Vitor and Gualtieri, Leonardo and Berti, Emanuele and Ishibashi, Akihiro
    arXiv: 1209.0773
    Journal: Phys. Rev. D, 86, 104017
  7. Scientific Objectives of Einstein Telescope
    Sathyaprakash, B. and others
    arXiv: 1206.0331
    Journal: Class. Quant. Grav., 29, 124013
  8. Dynamics of black holes in de Sitter spacetimes
    Zilhao, Miguel and Cardoso, Vitor and Gualtieri, Leonardo and Herdeiro, Carlos and Sperhake, Ulrich and Witek, Helvi
    arXiv: 1204.2019
    Journal: Phys. Rev. D, 85, 104039




  1. Gravitational waves from neutron stars: Promises and challenges
    Andersson, N. and Ferrari, V. and Jones, D. I. and Kokkotas, K. D. and Krishnan, B. and Read, J. S. and Rezzolla, L. and Zink, B.
    arXiv: 0912.0384
    Journal: Gen. Rel. Grav., 43, 409--436
  2. Oscillations of hot, young neutron stars: Gravitational wave frequencies and damping times
    Burgio, G. F. and Ferrari, V. and Gualtieri, L. and Schulze, H. -J.
    arXiv: 1106.2736
    Journal: Phys. Rev. D, 84, 044017
  3. Floating and sinking: The Imprint of massive scalars around rotating black holes
    Cardoso, Vitor and Chakrabarti, Sayan and Pani, Paolo and Berti, Emanuele and Gualtieri, Leonardo
    arXiv: 1109.6021
    Journal: Phys. Rev. Lett., 107, 241101
  4. Gravitational waves from perturbed stars
    Ferrari, V.
  5. Gravitational waves from perturbed stars
    Ferrari, Valeria
    arXiv: 1105.1678
    Journal: Bull. Astron. Soc. India, 39, 203
  6. Structure, Deformations and Gravitational Wave Emission of Magnetars
    Gualtieri, L. and Ciolfi, R. and Ferrari, V.
    arXiv: 1011.2778
    Journal: Class. Quant. Grav., 28, 114014
  7. Neutron Stars as Gravitational Wave Sources
    Gualtieri, Leonardo
  8. Imprint of the merger and ring-down on the gravitational wave background from black hole binaries coalescence
    Marassi, S. and Schneider, R. and Corvino, G. and Ferrari, V. and Portegies Zwart, S.
    arXiv: 1111.6125
    Journal: Phys. Rev. D, 84, 124037
  9. Gravitational waves from extreme mass-ratio inspirals in Dynamical Chern-Simons gravity
    Pani, Paolo and Cardoso, Vitor and Gualtieri, Leonardo
    arXiv: 1104.1183
    Journal: Phys. Rev. D, 83, 104048
  10. Head-on collisions of unequal mass black holes in D=5 dimensions
    Witek, Helvi and Cardoso, Vitor and Gualtieri, Leonardo and Herdeiro, Carlos and Sperhake, Ulrich and Zilhao, Miguel
    arXiv: 1011.0742
    Journal: Phys. Rev. D, 83, 044017
  11. Numerical Relativity in D dimensional space-times: Collisions of unequal mass black holes
    Witek, Helvi and Cardoso, Vitor and Gualtieri, Leonardo and Herdeiro, Carlos and Sperhake, Ulrich and Zilhao, Miguel
    Journal: J. Phys. Conf. Ser., 314, 012104
  12. Higher-dimensional puncture initial data
    Zilhao, Miguel and Ansorg, Marcus and Cardoso, Vitor and Gualtieri, Leonardo and Herdeiro, Carlos and Sperhake, Ulrich and Witek, Helvi
    arXiv: 1109.2149
    Journal: Phys. Rev. D, 84, 084039
  13. Simulations of black holes in compactified spacetimes
    Zilhao, Miguel and Cardoso, Vitor and Gualtieri, Leonardo and Herdeiro, Carlos and Nerozzi, Andrea and Sperhake, Ulrich and Witek, Helvi
    Journal: J. Phys. Conf. Ser., 314, 012103




  1. Threshold anomalies in Horava-Lifshitz-type theories
    Amelino-Camelia, Giovanni and Gualtieri, Leonardo and Mercati, Flavio
    arXiv: 0911.5360
    Journal: Phys. Lett. B, 686, 283--287
  2. Probing the physics of neutron stars with gravitational waves
    Ferrari, V.
    Journal: Class. Quant. Grav., 27, 194006
  3. Neutron star tidal disruption in mixed binaries: the imprint of the equation of state
    Ferrari, V. and Gualtieri, L. and Pannarale, F.
    arXiv: 0912.3692
    Journal: Phys. Rev. D, 81, 064026
  4. Gravitational signature of Schwarzschild black holes in dynamical Chern-Simons gravity
    Molina, C. and Pani, Paolo and Cardoso, Vitor and Gualtieri, Leonardo
    arXiv: 1004.4007
    Journal: Phys. Rev. D, 81, 124021
  5. Numerical relativity for D dimensional space-times: head-on collisions of black holes and gravitational wave extraction
    Witek, Helvi and Zilhao, Miguel and Gualtieri, Leonardo and Cardoso, Vitor and Herdeiro, Carlos and Nerozzi, Andrea and Sperhake, Ulrich
    arXiv: 1006.3081
    Journal: Phys. Rev. D, 82, 104014
  6. Numerical relativity for D dimensional axially symmetric space-times: formalism and code tests
    Zilhao, Miguel and Witek, Helvi and Sperhake, Ulrich and Cardoso, Vitor and Gualtieri, Leonardo and Herdeiro, Carlos and Nerozzi, Andrea
    arXiv: 1001.2302
    Journal: Phys. Rev. D, 81, 084052




  1. Comment on `Kerr Black Holes as Particle Accelerators to Arbitrarily High Energy'
    Berti, Emanuele and Cardoso, Vitor and Gualtieri, Leonardo and Pretorius, Frans and Sperhake, Ulrich
    arXiv: 0911.2243
    Journal: Phys. Rev. Lett., 103, 239001
  2. Perturbations of Schwarzschild black holes in Dynamical Chern-Simons modified gravity
    Cardoso, Vitor and Gualtieri, Leonardo
    arXiv: 0907.5008
    Journal: Phys. Rev. D, 80, 064008




  1. The Return of the membrane paradigm? Black holes and strings in the water tap
    Cardoso, Vitor and Dias, Oscar J. C. and Gualtieri, Leonardo
    arXiv: 0705.2777
    Journal: Int. J. Mod. Phys. D, 17, 505--511
  2. Quasi-Normal Modes and Gravitational Wave Astronomy
    Ferrari, Valeria and Gualtieri, Leonardo
    arXiv: 0709.0657
    Journal: Gen. Rel. Grav., 40, 945--970
  3. Transformation of the multipolar components of gravitational radiation under rotations and boosts
    Gualtieri, Leonardo and Berti, Emanuele and Cardoso, Vitor and Sperhake, Ulrich
    arXiv: 0805.1017
    Journal: Phys. Rev. D, 78, 044024




  1. Quark matter imprint on Gravitational Waves from oscillating stars
    Benhar, Omar and Ferrari, Valeria and Gualtieri, Leonardo and Marassi, Stefania
    arXiv: astro-ph/0603464
    Journal: Gen. Rel. Grav., 39, 1323
  2. A New approach to the study of quasi-normal modes of rotating stars
    Ferrari, Valeria. and Gualtieri, Leonardo and Marassi, Stefania
    arXiv: 0709.2925
    Journal: Phys. Rev. D, 76, 104033
  3. Unstable g-modes in Proto-Neutron Stars
    Ferrari, V. and Gualtieri, L. and Pons, J. A.
    arXiv: 0709.0403
    Journal: Class. Quant. Grav., 24, 5093--5102




  1. Black Hole Particle Emission in Higher-Dimensional Spacetimes
    Cardoso, Vitor and Cavaglia, Marco and Gualtieri, Leonardo
    arXiv: hep-th/0512002
    Journal: Phys. Rev. Lett., 96, 071301
  2. Hawking emission of gravitons in higher dimensions: Non-rotating black holes
    Cardoso, Vitor and Cavaglia, Marco and Gualtieri, Leonardo
    arXiv: hep-th/0512116
    Journal: JHEP, 02, 021
  3. Equilibrium configurations of fluids and their stability in higher dimensions
    Cardoso, Vitor and Gualtieri, Leonardo
    arXiv: hep-th/0610004
    Journal: Class. Quant. Grav., 23, 7151--7198
  4. Gravitational signals due to tidal interactions between white dwarfs and black holes
    Casalvieri, C. and Ferrari, Valeria and Stavridis, A.
    arXiv: astro-ph/0508190
    Journal: Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 365, 929--938
  5. A Hybrid approach to black hole perturbations from extended matter sources
    Ferrari, Valeria and Gualtieri, Leonardo and Rezzolla, Luciano
    arXiv: gr-qc/0606059
    Journal: Phys. Rev. D, 73, 124028
  6. Relativistic r-modes and shear viscosity
    Gualtieri, L. and Pons, J. A. and Miralles, J. A. and Ferrari, V.
    arXiv: gr-qc/0702040
    Journal: AIP Conf. Proc., 861, 1, 638--645
  7. Coupling of radial and axial non-radial oscillations of compact stars: Gravitational waves from first-order differential rotation
    Passamonti, Andrea and Bruni, Marco and Gualtieri, Leonardo and Nagar, Alessandro and Sopuerta, Carlos F.
    arXiv: gr-qc/0601001
    Journal: Phys. Rev. D, 73, 084010




  1. Gravitational waves from neutron stars described by modern EOS
    Benhar, O. and Ferrari, V. and Gualtieri, L.
    arXiv: gr-qc/0410140
    Journal: AIP Conf. Proc., 751, 1, 211--213
  2. Perturbative approach to the structure of rapidly rotating neutron stars
    Benhar, Omar and Ferrari, Valeria and Gualtieri, Leonardo and Marassi, Stefania
    arXiv: gr-qc/0504068
    Journal: Phys. Rev. D, 72, 044028
  3. Imprint of the equation of state of dense matter on gravitational waves emitted by oscillating neutron stars
    Ferrari, V.
    Journal: J. Phys. Conf. Ser., 8, 58--70
  4. Coupling of radial and non-radial oscillations of relativistic stars: Gauge-invariant formalism
    Passamonti, Andrea and Bruni, Marco and Gualtieri, Leonardo and Sopuerta, Carlos F.
    arXiv: gr-qc/0407108
    Journal: Phys. Rev. D, 71, 024022
  5. Relativistic r-modes and shear viscosity: Regularizing the continuous spectrum
    Pons, J. A. and Gualtieri, L. and Miralles, J. A. and Ferrari, V.
    arXiv: astro-ph/0504062
    Journal: Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 363, 121--130




  1. Gravitational wave asteroseismology revisited
    Benhar, Omar and Ferrari, Valeria and Gualtieri, Leonardo
    arXiv: astro-ph/0407529
    Journal: Phys. Rev. D, 70, 124015
  2. Gravitational energy loss in high-energy particle collisions: Ultrarelativistic plunge into a multidimensional black hole
    Berti, Emanuele and Cavaglia, Marco and Gualtieri, Leonardo
    arXiv: hep-th/0309203
    Journal: Phys. Rev. D, 69, 124011
  3. Gravitational wave sources
    Ferrari, V.
  4. Rotational effects on the oscillation frequencies of newly born proto-neutron stars
    Ferrari, V. and Gualtieri, L. and Pons, J. A. and Stavridis, Adamantios
    arXiv: astro-ph/0310896
    Journal: Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 350, 763
  5. Gravitational waves from rotating proto-neutron stars
    Ferrari, V. and Gualtieri, Leonardo and Pons, J. A. and Stavridis, A.
    arXiv: astro-ph/0409578
    Journal: Class. Quant. Grav., 21, S515--S519
  6. Non-adiabatic oscillations of compact stars in general relativity
    Gualtieri, L. and Pons, J. A. and Miniutti, G.
    arXiv: gr-qc/0405063
    Journal: Phys. Rev. D, 70, 084009
  7. Coupling of radial and non-radial oscillations of neutron stars
    Passamonti, Andrea and Bruni, Marco and Gualtieri, Leonardo and Sopuerta, Carlos F.
    arXiv: gr-qc/0411021
  8. Nonlinear N parameter space-time perturbations: Gauge transformations
    Sopuerta, Carlos F. and Bruni, Marco and Gualtieri, Leonardo
    arXiv: gr-qc/0306027
    Journal: Phys. Rev. D, 70, 064002




  1. Two parameter nonlinear space-time perturbations: Gauge transformations and gauge invariance
    Bruni, Marco and Gualtieri, Leonardo and Sopuerta, Carlos F.
    arXiv: gr-qc/0207105
    Journal: Class. Quant. Grav., 20, 535--556
  2. Perturbations of black holes
    Ferrari, V.
    Journal: Lect. Notes Phys., 617, 50--67
  3. Gravitational waves from neutron stars at different evolutionary stages
    Ferrari, V. and Miniutti, G. and Pons, J. A.
    Journal: Class. Quant. Grav., 20, S841--S851
  4. Non-radial oscillation modes as a probe of density discontinuities in neutron stars
    Miniutti, G. and Pons, J. A. and Berti, E. and Gualtieri, L. and Ferrari, V.
    arXiv: astro-ph/0206142
    Journal: Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 338, 389




  1. Are PostNewtonian templates faithful and effectual in detecting gravitational signals from neutron star binaries?
    Berti, E. and Pons, J. A. and Miniutti, G. and Gualtieri, L. and Ferrari, V.
    arXiv: gr-qc/0208011
    Journal: Phys. Rev. D, 66, 064013
  2. What gravitational signals say about the structure and the evolution of astrophysical sources
    Ferrari, Valeria
    arXiv: astro-ph/0201265
  3. Gravitational signals emitted by a point mass orbiting a neutron star: Effects of stellar structure
    Pons, J. A. and Berti, E. and Gualtieri, L. and Miniutti, G. and Ferrari, V.
    arXiv: gr-qc/0111104
    Journal: Phys. Rev. D, 65, 104021
  4. Nonlinear relativistic perturbation theory with two parameters
    Sopuerta, Carlos F. and Bruni, Marco and Gualtieri, Leonardo
    arXiv: gr-qc/0211080




  1. Gravitational waves: A challenge to theoretical astrophysics. Proceedings, Trieste, Italy, June 6-9, 2000
  2. Excitation of g modes of solar type stars by an orbiting companion
    Berti, E. and Ferrari, V.
    arXiv: astro-ph/0011364
    Journal: Phys. Rev. D, 63, 064031
  3. Gravitational waves emitted by extrasolar planetary systems
    Berti, E. and Ferrari, V.
    Journal: ICTP Lect. Notes Ser., 3, 371--383
  4. Sources of gravitational waves
    Ferrari, V.
    Journal: AIP Conf. Proc., 555, 1, 253
  5. Quasinormal modes of charged, dilaton black holes
    Ferrari, Valeria and Pauri, Massimo and Piazza, Federico
    arXiv: gr-qc/0005125
    Journal: Phys. Rev. D, 63, 064009
  6. Gravitational signals emitted by a point mass orbiting a neutron star: A Perturbative approach
    Gualtieri, L. and Berti, E. and Pons, J. A. and Miniutti, G. and Ferrari, V.
    arXiv: gr-qc/0107046
    Journal: Phys. Rev. D, 64, 104007
  7. Scattering of particles by relativistic stars and black holes
    Kokkotas, K. D. and Ferrari, V.
    Journal: ICTP Lect. Notes Ser., 3, 203--215
  8. Gravitational waves from cosmological compact binaries
    Schneider, Raffaella and Ferrari, Valeria and Matarrese, Sabino and Portegies Zwart, Simon F.
    arXiv: astro-ph/0002055
    Journal: Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 324, 797




  1. Stochastic background of gravitational waves
    Astone, P. and Ferrari, V. and Maggiore, M. and Romano, Joseph D.
    Journal: Int. J. Mod. Phys. D, 9, 361--368
  2. Different approaches to the study of the gravitational radiation emitted by astrophysical sources
    Ferrari, Valeria
    arXiv: gr-qc/9912074
    Journal: Annalen Phys., 1, 3--17
  3. Gravitational waves emitted by extra-solar planetary systems
    Ferrari, Valeria and D'Andrea, Marco and Berti, Emanuele
    arXiv: astro-ph/0001463
    Journal: Int. J. Mod. Phys. D, 9, 495--509
  4. Scattering of particles by neutron stars: Time evolutions for axial perturbations
    Ferrari, V. and Kokkotas, K. D.
    arXiv: gr-qc/0008057
    Journal: Phys. Rev. D, 62, 107504
  5. Gravitational waves signals from the collapse of the first stars
    Schneider, Raffaella and Ferrara, Andrea and Ciardi, Benedetta and Ferrari, Valeria and Matarrese, Sabino
    arXiv: astro-ph/9909419
    Journal: Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 317, 385
  6. Stochastic backgrounds of gravitational waves from cosmological populations of astrophysical sources
    Schneider, Raffaella and Ferrari, Valeria and Matarrese, Sabino
    arXiv: astro-ph/9903470
    Journal: Nucl. Phys. B Proc. Suppl., 80, 0722




  1. The Imprint of the equation of state on the axial w modes of oscillating neutron stars
    Benhar, Omar and Berti, Emanuele and Ferrari, Valeria
    arXiv: gr-qc/9901037
    Journal: Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 310, 797--803
  2. Energy-Conservation Laws for Perturbed Stars and Black Holes
    Ferrari, V.
    Journal: Fundam. Theor. Phys., 100, 53--68
  3. Gravitational wave backgrounds of astrophysical origin
    Ferrari, V.
    Journal: AIP Conf. Proc., 476, 1, 315--331
  4. Gravitational wave background from a cosmological population of core collapse supernovae
    Ferrari, Valeria and Matarrese, Sabino and Schneider, Raffaella
    arXiv: astro-ph/9804259
    Journal: Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 303, 247
  5. Stochastic background of gravitational waves generated by a cosmological population of young, rapidly rotating neutron stars
    Ferrari, Valeria and Matarrese, Sabino and Schneider, Raffaella
    arXiv: astro-ph/9806357
    Journal: Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 303, 258
  6. Stellar pulsations excited by a scattered mass
    Ferrari, V. and Gualtieri, L. and Borrelli, A.
    arXiv: gr-qc/9901060
    Journal: Phys. Rev. D, 59, 124020




  1. Gravitational waves, stars and black holes
    Ferrari, V.
  2. Gravitational signals emitted in core collapses leading to black hole formation
    Ferrari, V. and Palomba, C.
    Journal: Int. J. Mod. Phys. D, 7, 825--848
  3. Stochastic backgrounds of gravitational waves from compact sources
    Schneider, R. and Ferrari, V. and Matarrese, S.




  1. General relativity and gravitational physics. Proceedings, 12th Italian Conference, Rome, Italy, September 23-27, 1996
  2. On the perturbation of non-rotating compact objects excited by massive sources
    Borrelli, A. and Ferrari, V. and Gualtieri, L.
  3. The Virgo interferometer
    Caron, B. and others
    Journal: Class. Quant. Grav., 14, 1461--1469
  4. The VIRGO interferometer for gravitational wave detection
    Caron, B. and others
    Journal: Nucl. Phys. B Proc. Suppl., 54, 167--175
  5. On the perturbations of a nonrotating star excited by a massive source. 1. The Matching conditions at the surface of the star
    Ferrari, V. and Gualtieri, L.
    Journal: Int. J. Mod. Phys. D, 6, 323--339
  6. Gravitational radiation from black holes
    Ferrari, V. and Palomba, C.




  1. VIRGO status report, November 1996
    Brillet, A. and others
  2. SIESTA: A general purpose simulation program for the VIRGO experiment
    Caron, B. and others
  3. State of the art of the VIRGO experiment
    Caron, B. and others
  4. Astrophysical sources of gravitational waves
    Ferrari, V.
  5. The quasinormal modes of stars and black holes
    Ferrari, V.




  1. Scattering of Dirac particles by gravitational plane waves
    Bini, D. and Ferrari, V.
    Journal: Int. J. Mod. Phys. D, 4, 291--304
  2. On the non-radial oscillations of a star. V: A fully relativistic treatment of a Newtonian star
    Chandrasekhar, Subrahmanyan and Ferrari, V.
    Journal: Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. A, 450, 463--475




  1. Gravitational waves emitted by stars and black holes: Frequencies, energies and wave forms
    Ferrari, V.
  2. Scattering of gravitational waves by Newtonian stars
    Ferrari, V. and Germano, M.
    Journal: Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. A, 444, 389--398




  1. On spherical free gravitational waves
    Chandrasekhar, Subrahmanyan and Ferrari, V.
    Journal: Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. A, 443, 445--449




  1. On the nonradial oscillations of a star. 4: An application of the theory of Regge poles
    Chandrasekhar, Subrahmanyan and Ferrari, V.
    Journal: Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. A, 437, 133--149
  2. Identification of black holes
    Ferrari, V.
    Journal: Phys. Lett. A, 171, 271--274
  3. Scattering of massless particles and space-time shifts
    Ferrari, V. and Martinelli, M.
    Journal: Nucl. Phys. B, 385, 604--622




  1. On the non-radial oscillations of a star
    Chandrasekhar, Subrahmanyan and Ferrari, V.
    Journal: Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. A, 432, 247--279




  1. Can black holes support a gravitating massive scalar field?
    Ferrari, V. and Xanthopoulos, B. C.
    Journal: Phys. Rev. D, 41, 3652--3661




    Bini, D. and Ferrari, V. and Ibanez, J.
    Journal: Nuovo Cim. B, 103, 29--44
    Ferrari, V. and Ibanez, J.
    Journal: Phys. Lett. A, 141, 233--237
    Ferrari, V. and Ibanez, J.
    Journal: Class. Quant. Grav., 6, 1805--1817




    Ferrari, V.
    Journal: Phys. Rev. D, 37, 3061--3064
    Ferrari, V.
  3. Type $D$ Solutions Describing the Collisions of Plane Fronted Gravitational Waves
    Ferrari, V. and Ibanez, J.
    Journal: Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. A, 417, 417--431
  4. Beamlike Gravitational Waves and Their Geodesics
    Ferrari, V. and Pendenza, P. and Veneziano, G.
    Journal: Gen. Rel. Grav., 20, 1185--1191




  1. On the Dispersion of Cylindrical Impulsive Gravitational Waves
    Chandrasekhar, Subrahmanyan and Ferrari, V.
    Journal: Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. A, 412, 75--91
    Ferrari, V. and Bruni, M. and Ibanez, J.
    Journal: Phys. Lett. A, 122, 459--462
  3. Colliding Plane Gravitational Waves: A Class of Nondiagonal Soliton Solutions
    Ferrari, V. and Bruni, M. and Ibanez, J.
    Journal: Phys. Rev. D, 36, 1053--1064
  4. A New Exact Solution for Colliding Gravitational Plane Waves
    Ferrari, V. and Ibanez, J.
    Journal: Gen. Rel. Grav., 19, 383--404
  5. On the Collision of Gravitational Plane Waves: A Class of Soliton Solutions
    Ferrari, V. and Ibanez, J.
    Journal: Gen. Rel. Grav., 19, 405--425




    Ferrari, V. and Ibanez, J.




    Chandrasekhar, Subrahmanyan and Ferrari, V.
    Journal: Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. A, 396, 55--74
  2. New approach to the quasinormal modes of a black hole
    Ferrari, Valeria and Mashhoon, Bahram
    Journal: Phys. Rev. D, 30, 295--304




    Ferrari, V. and Pizzella, G. and Lee, M. and Weber, J.
    Journal: Phys. Rev. D, 25, 2471--2486




  1. On the Structure of Gravitational Wave Bursts: Implosion With Finite Kinetic Energy
    Ferrari, V. and Ruffini, R.
    Journal: Phys. Lett. B, 98, 381--384




    Amaldi, E. and others




  1. Measurements with a Small (m=24.4-Kg) Cryogenic Gravitational Wave Antenna at t=1.5-K
    Amaldi, E. and Cosmelli, C. and Bonifazi, P. and Bordoni, F. and Ferrari, V. and Giovanardi, U. and Vannaroni, G. and Pallottino, G. V. and Pizzella, G. and Modena, I.
    Journal: Nuovo Cim. C, 1, 341--359
  2. Initial Operation of the m=390-Kg Cryogenic Gravitation Wave Antenna
    Amaldi, E. and others
    Journal: Nuovo Cim. C, 1, 497--509